Hey there! Are you considering getting rid of your air fryer? In this article, I’ll be sharing my personal journey and reasons why I’ve decided to say goodbye to my trusty kitchen appliance. From the convenience to the health benefits, there are various factors that have led me to make this decision. So, if you’re curious about the pros and cons of owning an air fryer, keep on reading to find out why I am ditching mine.

Why I Am Ditching My Air Fryer?

Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to Your Air Fryer?

Hey there! Are you thinking about ditching your air fryer but not quite sure if it’s the right decision for you? I totally get it! I recently made the decision to part ways with my air fryer, and I want to share my experiences with you to help you make an informed decision. Let’s dive in!

My Personal Experience with an Air Fryer

Let me start by saying that I was initially excited about getting an air fryer. The promise of crispy, delicious food without all the oil seemed too good to pass up. I used my air fryer regularly for everything from fries to chicken wings. However, over time, I started to notice some drawbacks that led me to reconsider my relationship with this appliance.

Initial Excitement vs. Long-Term Reality

When I first got my air fryer, I was thrilled with how quickly it cooked food and how crispy it made everything. It seemed like a healthier alternative to deep frying, and I loved how easy it was to use. However, as time went on, I began to notice that the air fryer wasn’t as versatile as I had originally thought.

The Pros and Cons of Using an Air Fryer

Let’s break down the pros and cons of using an air fryer to help you better understand the impact this appliance can have on your cooking routine.


  • Healthier Cooking: With its ability to cook food with little to no oil, an air fryer can be a great option for those looking to reduce their overall fat intake.
  • Quick Cooking: Air fryers cook food faster than traditional ovens, making them a convenient option for busy individuals.
  • Crispy Texture: The air fryer’s circulating hot air can create a crispy exterior on food, mimicking the texture of deep-fried foods without the excess oil.


  • Limited Capacity: Most air fryers have a relatively small cooking basket, which can make it challenging to cook larger quantities of food at once.
  • Uneven Cooking: Depending on the size and shape of the food you’re cooking, you may find that certain parts are overcooked while others are undercooked.
  • Maintenance: Cleaning an air fryer can be a bit of a hassle, as you’ll need to regularly clean the cooking basket, tray, and other components to prevent build-up.

Alternatives to an Air Fryer

If you’re considering getting rid of your air fryer, you may be wondering what alternatives are out there. Here are a few options to consider:

Convection Oven

A convection oven operates similarly to an air fryer by circulating hot air around the food to cook it quickly and evenly. While a convection oven may have a larger capacity than an air fryer, it may not produce the same level of crispiness on certain foods.

Instant Pot Air Fryer Lid

If you already own an Instant Pot, you may want to consider purchasing an air fryer lid to transform your pressure cooker into an air fryer. This option offers the convenience of having two appliances in one while taking up minimal counter space.

Traditional Oven

While it may not be as fast as an air fryer, a traditional oven can still produce crispy and delicious results when cooking a wide variety of foods. Additionally, an oven typically has a larger cooking capacity, making it easier to prepare meals for larger groups of people.

Making the Decision to Say Goodbye

After weighing the pros and cons of using an air fryer and considering alternative cooking options, I ultimately decided to part ways with mine. While I appreciated the convenience and speed of cooking with an air fryer, I found that the limitations outweighed the benefits for my personal cooking style.

What’s Next for You?

If you’re on the fence about ditching your air fryer, take some time to evaluate how often you use it, what types of foods you cook most frequently, and whether the appliance truly enhances your cooking experience. Remember, the decision to keep or ditch your air fryer is a personal one, and there’s no right or wrong answer.

I hope sharing my experiences with you has helped shed some light on the pros and cons of using an air fryer and provided you with some valuable insights to consider. Whatever decision you make, remember that the most important thing is that you feel confident and comfortable in your cooking routine. Happy cooking!

Why I Am Ditching My Air Fryer?