If you’re eager to discover the vast array of vegetables that can be wonderfully transformed in an air fryer, you’ve come to the right place. From tender broccoli florets that acquire a delightful crunch to perfectly roasted Brussels sprouts that burst with flavor, the possibilities are truly endless. Whether you’re a seasoned chef looking to explore new cooking methods or someone just beginning to experiment in the kitchen, this article will guide you on a delightful culinary journey. Prepare to be inspired as we unveil the incredible vegetables that can be transformed into delectable dishes using an air fryer.

Root Vegetables

Root vegetables are a versatile and nutritious addition to any meal, and they can be easily cooked in an air fryer. Potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips, and sweet potatoes are all fantastic options for air frying.


Potatoes are a staple vegetable that can be cooked in a variety of ways, and air frying is no exception. Whether you prefer French fries, wedges, or hash browns, the air fryer can crisp them up perfectly. The hot air circulation in the fryer ensures that the potatoes cook evenly and become crispy on the outside, while remaining tender on the inside.


Carrots are not only packed with vitamins and minerals but also lend a vibrant color and sweet flavor to any dish. In the air fryer, carrots can be roasted to caramelized perfection. Whether you choose to cut them into sticks or coins, tossing them with a little oil, salt, and spices before air frying will result in tender, slightly crispy carrots that are sure to be a hit.


Beets are known for their earthy flavor and stunning color. By air frying them, you can achieve a crispy texture that contrasts beautifully with their natural sweetness. Simply wash and peel the beets, slice them into thin rounds or wedges, and toss with some olive oil, salt, and pepper. The air fryer will do the rest, giving you perfectly cooked and slightly caramelized beets.


Turnips may be an underrated root vegetable, but they are truly delicious when cooked in an air fryer. Whether you want to make crispy turnip fries or roasted turnip cubes, the air fryer will help you achieve a golden-brown exterior with a tender, creamy interior. Just toss the turnip pieces with your preferred seasonings and a little oil before air frying, and you’ll have a delightful side dish in no time.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are not only tasty but also rich in fiber and vitamins. Air frying them brings out their natural sweetness and creates a satisfying crispness. From fries to cubes or even whole baked sweet potatoes, the air fryer is a quick and efficient way to cook this nutritious root vegetable. Simply season with your favorite spices and oil before air frying to perfection.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about air frying, but they can actually be transformed into delicious and crispy snacks or as a base for creative dishes.


Kale chips have gained popularity in recent years due to their crunchy texture and nutrient-packed profile. Air frying kale takes this snack to a whole new level. Simply remove the tough stems, tear the kale leaves into bite-sized pieces, drizzle with a little oil and your favorite spices, and air fry until crispy. The result is a guilt-free snack that is just as addictive as potato chips.


Air frying spinach is a great way to transform this leafy green into crispy “spinach chips.” After washing and thoroughly drying the spinach leaves, sprinkle them with olive oil, salt, and any desired seasonings. Spread the leaves evenly on the air fryer basket and cook until they become delightfully crisp. These spinach chips can be enjoyed on their own, used as a topping for salads, or added to sandwiches for a satisfying crunch.

Collard Greens

Collard greens are a nutritious and hearty leafy green that lends itself well to air frying. Simply remove the tough stems and tear the leaves into smaller pieces. Toss them with a little oil, salt, and seasonings of your choice, and air fry until they become crispy. The result is a delicious and healthier alternative to traditional deep-fried collard greens, without compromising on taste or texture.

Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is a colorful and nutritious leafy green that can be easily air fried. Separate the leaves from the stems, as the stems will require a longer cooking time. Toss the leaves with some oil, salt, and spices, and air fry until crispy. Swiss chard chips can be enjoyed as a snack or used as a creative and healthy addition to various recipes.


Cabbage offers a satisfying crunch and a hint of sweetness when air-fried. Whether you choose to make cabbage wedges or thin cabbage strips, the air fryer will help you achieve a caramelized exterior and retain the cabbage’s natural juiciness. Simply season with your preferred spices and a little oil before air frying for a delicious and nutritious side dish.

What Vegetables Can You Cook In An Air Fryer


Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are not only packed with nutrients but also lend themselves well to air frying. This cooking method allows them to retain their vibrant colors and natural flavors while achieving a delightful crispness.


Air frying broccoli gives it a deliciously crispy texture that can convert even the pickiest eaters into broccoli lovers. Cut the broccoli into florets and toss with some oil, salt, and spices. Air fry until the edges become slightly charred and the florets are tender. You can enjoy air-fried broccoli as a standalone snack, a side dish, or even as a topping for salads and stir-fries.


Cauliflower is a versatile vegetable that can be transformed into a multitude of dishes, and air frying is a fantastic way to prepare it. Whether you want to create cauliflower “wings” or simply roast cauliflower florets, the air fryer ensures even browning and a delightful crispiness. Toss the cauliflower in some oil, salt, and spices, and air fry until golden brown and tender.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts may have a bad reputation, but air frying can turn them into irresistible morsels. Trim the ends of the Brussels sprouts and remove any yellow outer leaves. Toss them in a little oil, salt, and seasonings, and air fry until they become tender with a caramelized exterior. The air fryer will help reduce the bitterness often associated with Brussels sprouts, leaving you with a delicious and nutritious side dish.

Squash and Pumpkin

Squash and pumpkin varieties can bring warmth and flavor to your meals. Air frying these vegetables can elevate their taste and texture to new heights.


Zucchini is a versatile summer squash that can be air fried to perfection. Whether you want to make zucchini fries, zucchini chips, or simply roast zucchini slices, the air fryer will help you achieve a golden-brown exterior while maintaining a tender interior. Toss the zucchini with oil, salt, and spices before air frying, and enjoy this low-calorie, nutrient-rich vegetable as a snack or accompaniment to your favorite dishes.

Butternut Squash

Butternut squash’s sweet and nutty flavor makes it a favorite among squash varieties, and air frying can bring out its natural sweetness. Peel and cut the butternut squash into uniform cubes or wedges, toss them with a little oil, salt, and spices, and air fry until they become tender and caramelized. Whether served as a side dish or incorporated into salads, soups, or grain bowls, air-fried butternut squash adds a comforting and tasty element to your meal.

Acorn Squash

Acorn squash, with its distinct shape and mild, slightly sweet flavor, is another delicious squash variety that can be air fried. Cut the squash into slices or wedges, remove the seeds, and toss with oil, salt, and your desired seasonings. Air fry until the acorn squash becomes tender and the edges turn golden brown. The result is a satisfying side dish or a base for creative recipes that capitalize on the squash’s unique shape.


Pumpkin is not just for making pies around Halloween; it can also be air fried for a delightful twist. Cut the pumpkin into chunks or wedges, remove the skin, and toss with oil, salt, and spices. Air fry until the pumpkin becomes tender and lightly caramelized, bringing out its natural sweetness. These air-fried pumpkin pieces can be enjoyed on their own, added to salads, or incorporated into various baked goods for a flavorful twist.

What Vegetables Can You Cook In An Air Fryer



Peppers, with their vibrant colors and varying degrees of heat, are a versatile ingredient that can be cooked in an air fryer. Whether you prefer mild, sweet bell peppers or spicy jalapenos or poblano peppers, the air fryer can help you achieve the perfect texture and flavor.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are a staple vegetable in many dishes due to their crunchy texture, bright color, and sweet taste. Air frying bell peppers helps to intensify their flavor and create a slight char on the skin. Simply remove the seeds and slice the peppers into strips or rings. Toss them with oil, salt, and spices, and air fry until they become tender with a caramelized exterior. These air-fried bell peppers can be used in sandwiches, salads, stir-fries, or enjoyed on their own as a flavorful snack.

Jalapeno Peppers

Jalapeno peppers are known for their spicy kick and are often used to add heat to various dishes. Air frying jalapeno peppers not only reduces their spiciness but also brings out their unique flavor profile. Slice the jalapenos in half, remove the seeds and membranes if desired, and brush with a little oil. Air fry until the peppers become slightly soft and develop a delicious char. Whether used in salsa, stuffed with cheese, or added to tacos, air-fried jalapenos add flavor and a touch of heat to your culinary creations.

Poblano Peppers

Poblano peppers are mild and slightly sweet, making them perfect for those who prefer a milder heat. Roasting poblano peppers in the air fryer brings out their natural smokiness and adds a depth of flavor to your dishes. Place the whole poblano peppers in the air fryer and cook until the skin is blistered and charred. Once cooled, you can easily remove the skin and use the roasted peppers in sauces, stews, stuffed peppers, or even as a topping for pizzas and burgers.


Tomatoes are a versatile fruit (yes, they are technically a fruit!) that can add a burst of freshness and acidity to many dishes. While tomatoes are often used raw, air frying them can bring out their natural sweetness and create unique flavor profiles.

Cherry Tomatoes

Air frying cherry tomatoes takes these bite-sized treats to a whole new level. The hot air circulation in the fryer intensifies their flavors and caramelizes the natural sugars. Simply toss the cherry tomatoes in a little oil, salt, and herbs before air frying until they burst and develop a slightly charred exterior. These air-fried cherry tomatoes can be added to pasta dishes, used as a topping for pizzas or salads, or enjoyed on their own as a flavorful snack.

Grape Tomatoes

Grape tomatoes, similar to cherry tomatoes, can also be transformed into delicious morsels when air fried. They can be enjoyed in the same way as cherry tomatoes – bursting with a sweet and tangy flavor when cooked just right. Whether incorporated into dishes or eaten as a snack, air-fried grape tomatoes add a burst of freshness and brightness to any recipe.



Onions are a staple ingredient in many cuisines and can be cooked in numerous ways. Air frying onions creates a caramelized sweetness and brings out their natural flavors.

Red Onions

Air frying red onions helps to mellow their sharpness while intensifying their natural sweetness. Cut the red onions into thick slices or wedges, toss them with a little oil, salt, and herbs, and air fry until they become tender and caramelized. These air-fried red onions are a fantastic addition to sandwiches, salads, burgers, or even used as a topping for pizzas or tacos.

Yellow Onions

Yellow onions are the most versatile and widely available onion variety, and air frying can take them to new heights. Slice the yellow onions into rings or strips, toss them with oil, salt, and spices, and air fry until they become golden brown and crispy. These air-fried yellow onions can elevate your burgers, sandwiches, salads, or even be enjoyed as a standalone snack.

Sweet Onions

Sweet onions, such as Vidalia or Walla Walla onions, are naturally milder and have a higher sugar content. Air frying sweet onions enhances their natural sweetness and lends a delightful caramelized flavor. Slice the sweet onions into rings or wedges, toss them with a little oil, salt, and herbs, and air fry until they become tender and golden brown. These air-fried sweet onions can enhance the flavor of sandwiches, wraps, salads, or even be used as a topping for pizzas.


Shallots, with their delicate and slightly sweet flavor, are a delicious alternative to onions. Air frying shallots brings out their natural sweetness and creates crispy and caramelized shallot chips. Thinly slice the shallots, toss them with some oil, salt, and spices, and air fry until they become golden brown and crispy. These air-fried shallots can be used as a topping for salads, soups, or baked dishes to add a flavorful crunch.


Mushrooms are a versatile ingredient that can be used in various culinary creations, and air frying mushrooms can take them to new heights. The high heat in the air fryer drives off moisture and intensifies their rich flavors.

Button Mushrooms

Button mushrooms are the most common and widely available mushroom variety, and they are perfect for air frying. Clean the mushrooms, remove the stems if desired, toss them with a little oil, salt, and herbs, and air fry until they become golden brown and slightly crispy. These air-fried button mushrooms can be enjoyed on their own as a flavorful snack or used as a topping for pizzas, pasta dishes, or salads.

Portobello Mushrooms

Portobello mushrooms are larger and more meaty in texture, making them a popular choice for vegetarian burgers or as a base for creative dishes. Air frying portobello mushrooms brings out their umami-rich flavor and creates a slightly crisp and meaty texture. Remove the stems and gills, brush the caps with oil, salt, and desired seasonings, and air fry until they become tender and develop a delicious crust. These air-fried portobello mushrooms can be used as the main component of a burger, sliced and added to sandwiches, or incorporated into various recipes for added texture and flavor.

Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are known for their unique flavor that adds depth to many dishes. Air frying shiitake mushrooms intensifies their umami notes and creates a delightful texture. Remove the stems and toss the mushrooms with some oil, salt, and spices before air frying until they become golden brown and slightly crispy. Air-fried shiitake mushrooms can be used in stir-fries, soups, or served as a flavorful side dish or snack.



Cucumbers may seem like an unlikely vegetable to air fry, as they are often enjoyed in their raw state. However, air frying cucumbers can bring an unexpected twist to this refreshing vegetable.

English Cucumbers

English cucumbers, with their thin skin and seedless interior, are perfect for air frying. Cutting the English cucumbers into thicker slices or strips, tossing them with some oil, salt, and desired seasonings, and air frying until they become tender yet slightly crispy, can create a unique texture and flavor. Enjoy these air-fried English cucumber slices on their own with a dip, use them in sandwiches or wraps, or incorporate them into salads for an interesting twist.

Persian Cucumbers

Persian cucumbers are small and sweet, and air frying them can create a delightful surprise. Whether sliced, diced, or cut into sticks, tossing the Persian cucumbers with a little oil, salt, and desired spices before air frying results in a tender and slightly caramelized texture. These air-fried Persian cucumber pieces can be used in salads, grain bowls, sandwiches, or enjoyed as a standalone snack.

Beans and Legumes

Beans and legumes are nutritious additions to any diet, and cooking them in an air fryer can create crispy and flavorful snacks or side dishes.

Snap Peas

Snap peas are a crunchy and sweet legume that can be air fried for a delightful snack or side dish. Remove the ends and strings from the snap peas, toss them with some oil, salt, and desired seasonings, and air fry until they become crispy and slightly charred. Enjoy these air-fried snap peas on their own as a healthy snack or use them as a topping for salads or stir-fries for an added crunch.

Green Beans

Green beans, also known as string beans, are a versatile vegetable that can be air fried to perfection. Whether you prefer them crisp or tender, air frying green beans allows you to achieve your preferred texture. Simply toss the green beans with some oil, salt, and spices, and air fry until they become slightly blistered and caramelized. These air-fried green beans are perfect as a side dish, snack, or as a creative addition to various recipes.



Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, can be transformed into crispy and addictive snacks when air fried. Whether you prefer them spiced or plain, air frying chickpeas achieves a delightfully crunchy exterior while keeping the interior tender. After rinsing and drying the chickpeas, toss them with some oil, salt, and desired spices before air frying until they become golden brown and crisp. These roasted chickpeas can be enjoyed on their own, used as a topping for salads or soups, or incorporated into various recipes that call for a satisfying crunch.

In conclusion, the versatility of an air fryer allows you to experiment with a wide range of vegetables, from root vegetables to leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables to tomatoes, and much more. With a little imagination and creativity, you can turn these vegetables into delicious and nutritious meals or snacks that will satisfy both your taste buds and your health goals. So, the next time you’re wondering what vegetables to cook in an air fryer, don’t be afraid to get adventurous and try out these fantastic options. Happy air frying!