If you’re a bacon lover who has recently acquired an air fryer, then you’re probably wondering what the best surface is to cook bacon on in this nifty kitchen appliance. Well, look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the various options for cooking bacon in an air fryer, and provide you with expert tips and recommendations to ensure crispy, delicious results every time. Whether you prefer parchment paper, a wire rack, or even directly on the air fryer basket, we’ve got you covered. So get ready to elevate your bacon game and make the most out of your air fryer’s capabilities!

Choosing the Right Bacon

When it comes to cooking bacon in an air fryer, choosing the right bacon is crucial for achieving the best results. Consider the thickness of the bacon slices, as it can directly impact the cooking time and overall crispiness. Thicker bacon slices will require slightly longer cooking times compared to thinner ones.

Another factor to consider is whether you prefer smoked or unsmoked bacon. Smoked bacon has a distinct smoky flavor that adds depth to any dish, while unsmoked bacon offers a milder taste that allows other ingredients in your recipe to shine. Take your personal preference into account when making this decision.

Furthermore, you’ll need to choose between streaky or back bacon. Streaky bacon, also known as American-style bacon, is cut from the belly and has alternating layers of meat and fat, resulting in a crispy and flavorful texture. Back bacon, on the other hand, is cut from the loin and has less fat, resulting in a leaner and slightly chewier texture. Consider the texture and taste you desire for your bacon dishes.

Lastly, consider the amount of bacon you’ll need for your recipe. If you’re cooking for a crowd or enjoy indulging in bacon frequently, opt for a larger quantity. However, if you’re cooking for yourself or trying to manage portion control, a smaller amount may suffice. Choose the appropriate quantity based on your needs.

Options for Air Fryer Trays

When it comes to cooking bacon in an air fryer, you have various options for air fryer trays that can enhance your cooking experience. Let’s explore some of these options.

One common option is to use the air fryer basket that comes with your appliance. This is a versatile tray that allows air to circulate around the bacon, ensuring an even cook. However, depending on the size of your air fryer basket, you may need to cut the bacon strips in half or cook them in batches.

Investing in an air fryer rack is another option worth considering. An air fryer rack allows you to stack multiple layers of bacon, maximizing the cooking space in your air fryer. This option is particularly useful if you’re cooking a large quantity of bacon or if you prefer your bacon extra crispy.

If you don’t have an air fryer rack, you can try the grill pan method. Simply place a grill pan or wire rack on top of the air fryer basket and arrange the bacon on the pan. This method allows the excess fat to drain away from the bacon, resulting in a crispier and healthier option.

Alternatively, you can explore the use of parchment paper or foil to line your air fryer tray. This can prevent the bacon from sticking to the tray, making cleanup easier. Choose the option that suits your preferences and the resources available to you.

Preparing the Air Fryer

Before you start cooking bacon in your air fryer, it’s important to properly prepare the appliance. Follow these steps to ensure your air fryer is ready for use.

Begin by cleaning the air fryer thoroughly. Remove any food residue or buildup from previous uses. This promotes healthy and hygienic cooking.

Next, preheat the air fryer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This step is crucial for achieving the desired crispiness and evenly cooked bacon. Most air fryers have a preheating function that is quick and convenient.

Once the air fryer is preheated, apply a light coating of cooking oil or use a cooking spray to prevent the bacon from sticking to the tray. Be sure to use an oil or spray suitable for high-heat cooking.

Consider lining the tray with foil or parchment paper for easy cleanup. This step can save you time and effort when it comes to washing the air fryer tray. Ensure the material you choose is safe for use in the air fryer and doesn’t interfere with the cooking process.

Steps for Cooking Bacon in an Air Fryer

Now that you have your chosen bacon and your air fryer is prepared, let’s go through the steps for cooking bacon in an air fryer.

Start by cutting the bacon strips into halves or thirds, depending on the size of your air fryer tray. This will make it easier to arrange the bacon and ensure even cooking. Take into consideration the desired length and width of the bacon strips based on your recipe or personal preference.

Arrange the bacon strips on the air fryer tray in a single layer, making sure they do not overlap. This allows the hot air to circulate evenly around each strip, resulting in crispy, evenly cooked bacon.

Set the air fryer to the recommended temperature for cooking bacon, typically around 400°F (200°C). The exact temperature may vary depending on your air fryer model, so it’s always best to consult the appliance’s manual for specific instructions.

During the cooking process, it’s important to flip the bacon strips halfway through. This ensures that both sides of the bacon are evenly browned and crispy. Use tongs or a spatula to carefully flip the bacon strips, being mindful of the hot air inside the air fryer.

The cooking time can also be adjusted based on the level of crispiness you desire. If you prefer softer, chewier bacon, reduce the cooking time slightly. On the other hand, if you prefer your bacon extra crispy, you can extend the cooking time accordingly. Experiment with different cooking times to find the perfect balance.

Tips for Perfectly Cooked Bacon

To ensure your bacon turns out perfectly cooked every time, keep these tips in mind:

Avoid overcrowding the air fryer tray. Overlapping bacon strips can prevent proper air circulation, resulting in unevenly cooked bacon. If necessary, cook the bacon in batches or consider using an air fryer rack to maximize space.

Once the bacon is cooked, drain excess bacon fat from the air fryer. This can be done by carefully tilting the tray and using a spoon or heat-resistant container to collect and discard the fat. This step can help reduce the greasiness of the bacon and promote a healthier cooking method.

Experiment with different seasonings or glazes to add extra flavor to your bacon. Sprinkling brown sugar or drizzling maple syrup can create a deliciously sweet and savory variation. Freshly ground black pepper, cayenne pepper, or chili powder can add a spicy kick to your bacon. Get creative and tailor the seasonings to your taste preferences.

If you have access to different air fryer models, don’t be afraid to try them out. Different models may offer unique features or cooking capabilities that can enhance the flavor and texture of your bacon. Experimenting with different air fryers can lead to exciting discoveries and delicious results.

Variations and Flavor Enhancements

Bacon is a versatile ingredient that can be enhanced with various flavors. Here are some popular variations and flavor enhancements to consider:

Candied Bacon: For a sweet and irresistible twist, try adding brown sugar or maple syrup to your bacon. The caramelization of the sugar adds a delightful crunch and a burst of sweetness that complements the savory bacon.

Black Pepper Bacon: If you enjoy a touch of spiciness, freshly ground black pepper is a simple yet effective addition. Sprinkle it generously over your bacon before air frying to give it a bold and aromatic flavor.

Spicy Bacon: For those who crave an extra kick, adding cayenne pepper or chili powder to your bacon can create a mouthwatering spicy bacon. Adjust the amount of spice according to your tolerance for heat.

Sweet and Savory Bacon: Bring together the best of both worlds by adding a drizzle of honey or a splash of bourbon to your bacon. This combination of flavors adds complexity and depth to the bacon, making it a standout ingredient in any recipe.

Explore these variations and discover your favorites. Feel free to experiment with different combinations or even create your own unique flavor profiles.

Serving Suggestions

Now that you have perfectly cooked, flavorful bacon, let’s explore some delicious ways to enjoy it. Consider these serving suggestions:

Classic Bacon and Eggs Breakfast: Start your day off right with a classic breakfast of crispy bacon, scrambled or fried eggs, and toast. It’s a satisfying and timeless combination that never disappoints.

BLT Sandwiches: Elevate your sandwich game by adding perfectly cooked bacon to the classic BLT (bacon, lettuce, and tomato) combination. The smoky, salty bacon pairs beautifully with fresh lettuce and juicy tomatoes.

Bacon-Wrapped Appetizers: Impress your guests with a selection of delectable bacon-wrapped appetizers. Whether it’s bacon-wrapped dates, bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers, or bacon-wrapped shrimp, these bites of deliciousness are sure to be a hit.

Bacon-Topped Salads or Pasta: Sprinkle crumbled bacon over your favorite salad or pasta dish to add a burst of flavor and texture. The savory bacon complements a wide range of ingredients and adds a satisfying crunch.

Incorporating Bacon in Veggie or Meat Dishes: Bacon can be a fantastic addition to various dishes. From sautéed vegetables and roasted Brussels sprouts to stuffed mushrooms and bacon-wrapped chicken, the possibilities are endless. Let the smoky, savory flavor of bacon elevate your favorite recipes.

Get creative with these serving suggestions and use bacon as a versatile ingredient to enhance a variety of dishes.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Proper cleaning and maintenance of your air fryer are essential for its longevity and optimal performance. Follow these steps to keep your air fryer in top shape:

After cooking bacon, allow the air fryer to cool down completely before cleaning. This prevents any potential accidents or burns.

Using a paper towel or a damp cloth, wipe off any residue or grease from the exterior and interior of the air fryer. Pay attention to any hard-to-reach areas, such as the heating element or vents.

Remove all removable parts, such as the air fryer basket, tray, and any accessories, if applicable. Wash them thoroughly with warm soapy water or place them in the dishwasher if they are dishwasher-safe. Rinse and dry the parts before reassembling.

For deep cleaning, periodically clean the air fryer’s interior. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific guidance on cleaning the heating element or other internal components.

Regular maintenance and cleaning will ensure your air fryer remains in excellent condition and free from any buildup or unpleasant odors.

Other Recipe Ideas Utilizing Air Fryer Bacon

Cooking bacon in an air fryer opens up a world of possibilities. Here are some other recipe ideas that make the most of air-fried bacon:

Bacon-Wrapped Chicken: Wrap strips of bacon around chicken breast or thigh fillets and air fry them to perfection. The bacon adds flavor, keeps the meat moist, and provides a delectable crispy outer layer.

Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus: Combine the smoky, savory flavors of bacon and the crispness of asparagus by wrapping trimmed asparagus spears with bacon. Air fry until the bacon is crispy and the asparagus is tender.

Bacon-Wrapped Shrimp: Elevate your seafood game by wrapping bacon around shrimp and air frying until the bacon is crispy and the shrimp is cooked through. These bite-sized delights are perfect as appetizers or as part of a main course.

Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers: Stuff halved jalapeno peppers with cream cheese or your preferred filling, then wrap them in bacon. Air fry until the bacon is crispy and the peppers are tender. These poppers are sure to be a hit at parties or game nights.

Experiment with these recipes and adapt them to your taste preferences. The air fryer provides a convenient and efficient way to cook bacon, allowing the flavors to intensify and resulting in perfectly cooked dishes.


In conclusion, cooking bacon in an air fryer offers a convenient and delicious way to enjoy this beloved ingredient. By choosing the right bacon, utilizing various air fryer trays, and preparing the air fryer properly, you can achieve perfectly cooked and flavorful bacon every time.

Remember to follow the recommended steps for cooking bacon in an air fryer, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different cooking times and seasonings. With proper tips and techniques, your bacon will turn out crispy, flavorful, and full of culinary possibilities.

Enjoy the convenience and tasty results that air fryer bacon brings to your table. From classic breakfasts to creative culinary creations, let the smoky and savory goodness of perfectly cooked bacon enhance your meals.