Hello there! Have you ever wondered what items you should avoid putting in your air fryer? It’s important to know what not to cook in this handy kitchen appliance to avoid damaging it or creating a fire hazard. From moisture-laden foods to aerosol cooking sprays, there are a few things you should steer clear of putting in your air fryer to ensure safe and delicious cooking every time. Let’s delve into what items you should avoid cooking in your air fryer to keep it running smoothly and your meals turning out perfectly crispy and delicious! What Shouldn’t You Put In An Air Fryer?

Have you ever wondered what you shouldn’t put in an air fryer? While air fryers are amazing appliances that can cook a wide variety of foods, there are some things that you should avoid putting in them to prevent damage or even fire hazards. In this article, we will discuss what you should never put in an air fryer and why. Let’s dive in!

Things You Should Never Put In An Air Fryer

Air fryers are versatile kitchen appliances, but there are some limits to what you should put in them. Here are some items you should avoid placing in your air fryer:

1. Wet Batter

One thing you should never put in an air fryer is wet batter. This includes items like tempura batter, wet pancake or waffle batter, or anything with a moist batter coating. The hot air circulating inside an air fryer can cause the batter to drip off and create a mess at the bottom of the air fryer. It can also lead to uneven cooking and a soggy final product.

2. Delicate Fish

Delicate fish like flaky white fish or salmon are best cooked using gentle methods like baking, steaming, or poaching. Placing delicate fish in an air fryer can lead to overcooking or drying out the fish, resulting in a tough and unappealing texture. It’s best to stick to traditional cooking methods when it comes to delicate fish to ensure a moist and tender final product.

3. Cheese

While it’s possible to cook cheese in an air fryer, you should avoid placing large quantities of cheese directly on the air fryer basket. Cheese can melt and drip down onto the heating element, causing smoke and potentially a fire hazard. If you want to air-fry cheese, it’s best to do so in a heat-resistant dish or on a piece of parchment paper to prevent any messes or safety concerns.

4. Cooking Spray

Cooking spray is a common ingredient used to prevent food from sticking to cookware. However, you should avoid using cooking spray directly in an air fryer. The propellants in cooking spray can damage the non-stick coating of the air fryer basket, leading to peeling or flaking over time. Instead of cooking spray, consider using a small amount of oil or simply lining the basket with parchment paper or aluminum foil for easier cleanup.

5. Fresh Greens

Fresh greens like kale, spinach, or arugula should not be placed in an air fryer. The high heat in an air fryer can cause delicate greens to wilt and become overly crispy, resulting in an unappetizing texture. It’s best to enjoy fresh greens in salads or sautéed in a pan to retain their vibrant color and tender texture.

What Shouldn T You Put In An Air Fryer?

Items That Require Caution When Using An Air Fryer

While there are certain items you should never put in an air fryer, some foods require caution when cooking in an air fryer. Here are some items that you should be mindful of when using an air fryer:

1. Meat With Bones

When cooking meat with bones in an air fryer, it’s essential to ensure that the meat is fully cooked through to the recommended internal temperature. Cooking meat with bones at high temperatures in an air fryer can lead to uneven cooking and potential foodborne illness if not properly cooked. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the meat to ensure it’s safe to eat.

2. Overly Marinated Foods

While marinating food is a great way to infuse flavor, it’s important to avoid overly marinated foods in an air fryer. Excess marinade can drip down onto the heating element of the air fryer, causing smoke and potentially a fire hazard. If you’re cooking marinated foods in an air fryer, make sure to pat them dry before placing them in the air fryer to prevent any issues.

3. Frosted Foods

Frozen foods like frozen dumplings or pastries can be cooked in an air fryer, but it’s essential to be mindful of any frost or ice buildup on the food. Ice crystals can cause the air fryer to smoke or create uneven cooking. Make sure to thaw frozen foods properly before cooking them in an air fryer to ensure even cooking and a crispy final product.

4. Excessive Seasoning

While seasoning your food is essential for flavor, be mindful of excessive seasoning when using an air fryer. Too much seasoning can create a burnt or bitter taste, especially when exposed to high heat for an extended period. It’s best to season food lightly before placing it in the air fryer to avoid any unpleasant flavors or aromas.

5. Hot Liquids

Avoid putting hot liquids directly into an air fryer, as the intense heat can cause splattering or possible damage to the appliance. If you’re using a recipe that involves hot liquids, make sure to let them cool down to room temperature before using them in an air fryer. This will prevent any safety concerns and ensure a smooth cooking process.

What Shouldn T You Put In An Air Fryer?


In conclusion, there are certain items that you should never put in an air fryer, such as wet batter, delicate fish, cheese, cooking spray, and fresh greens. Additionally, some foods require caution when using an air fryer, like meat with bones, overly marinated foods, frosted foods, excessive seasoning, and hot liquids. By following these guidelines and being mindful of what you cook in an air fryer, you can enjoy delicious and safe meals without any issues. Happy cooking!

Remember, always refer to your air fryer’s user manual for specific guidelines and safety precautions when using the appliance.