Air fryers have become quite popular for their ability to cook crispy and delicious meals with less oil. However, there are certain foods that just don’t fare well in this trendy kitchen appliance. From delicate fish fillets to wet batter-coated items, knowing which foods to avoid cooking in an air fryer can save you from disappointing results. So, let’s take a closer look at the foods you should never attempt to cook in an air fryer and explore alternative cooking methods for achieving perfect, mouthwatering dishes.

Batter-coated Foods

When it comes to batter-coated foods, such as homemade chicken tenders or onion rings, it’s best to steer clear of using an air fryer. Wet batter cannot cook properly in an air fryer due to the high heat and rapid air circulation. The result is often an undercooked interior and a soggy coating. Additionally, the coating may have a tendency to break off during cooking, resulting in a less than desirable end product. To achieve that crispy, perfectly fried texture, it’s best to opt for traditional deep frying methods for batter-coated foods.

Large Cuts of Meat

While an air fryer can work wonders with smaller cuts of meat, it can be quite challenging to cook larger cuts evenly. Due to the compact size of the air fryer basket, air circulation may be restricted, and the heat may have difficulty reaching the center of a thick piece of meat. This can lead to uneven or inconsistent cooking, where you may end up with portions that are either undercooked or overcooked. For larger cuts of meat like roasts or whole chickens, it’s best to utilize traditional methods like roasting or grilling for more even and predictable results.

What Foods Should You Never Cook In An Air Fryer?

Foods with High Water Content

Foods with high water content, such as certain vegetables or fruits, can pose problems when cooked in an air fryer. As the high heat causes the water to turn into steam, it can make the food become soggy rather than crisp. Additionally, the excessive steam can potentially cause the air fryer to malfunction, leading to poor cooking results. To retain the desired texture and prevent the air fryer from becoming overwhelmed with steam, it’s recommended to opt for alternative cooking methods like sautéing, steaming, or boiling for these types of high-water content foods.

Delicate Fish

Delicate fish varieties, such as flaky white fish or tender salmon, are best prepared using gentle cooking methods that prevent them from falling apart. Unfortunately, an air fryer’s high heat and rapid air circulation can cause delicate fish to easily disintegrate during the cooking process. To ensure the integrity of delicate fish is maintained, it’s advisable to utilize methods like baking, grilling, or pan-frying, where you have better control over the cooking process and can handle the fish with care.

What Foods Should You Never Cook In An Air Fryer?

Leafy Greens

Although it’s tempting to try to crisp up those kale chips or make crispy Brussels sprouts in an air fryer, leafy greens tend to burn quickly in this appliance. The high temperatures and rapid air circulation can cause the edges of the greens to quickly crisp up and turn bitter, while the centers remain undercooked. Achieving the desired texture and flavor for leafy greens is best achieved through methods like roasting or sautéing, where you can monitor and control the cooking process more easily.


If you’re a cheese lover, it’s important to exercise caution when using an air fryer. Cheese can easily melt and stick to the air fryer basket, resulting in a messy cleanup process. The high heat and air circulation can cause the cheese to become adhered to the surface, making it difficult to remove. To prevent this issue, it’s advisable to use other cooking methods for cheese, such as baking or grilling, where the cheese can melt and develop a desirable texture without the risk of sticking to the appliance.

Canned Foods

While it may be tempting to try air frying canned foods like french fries or canned vegetables, the results may leave you disappointed. Canned foods lack the crispiness that is often desired when air frying, and the texture and taste may be compromised. Achieving the desired crunchiness is best achieved through traditional methods of frying, baking, or even using an oven or stovetop. These alternatives will yield a more satisfying result when it comes to canned foods.

Raw Vegetables

Although an air fryer can be a convenient way to cook vegetables, it’s important to note that it may not always cook them evenly. This can result in inconsistent textures and flavors throughout your dish. While certain vegetables may air fry well, others may require alternative cooking methods to ensure more uniform results. Considerations should be given to the thickness and size of the vegetables, as well as experimenting with different cooking times and temperatures to find the best method for each specific vegetable.

Thick Batters or Dough

When it comes to using an air fryer for thick batters or dough, such as doughnuts or fritters, it can prove to be challenging. The high heat and rapid air circulation may cause the exterior to crisp up quickly while the interior remains gooey and undercooked. To ensure a fully cooked and evenly textured end product, it’s recommended to use traditional methods like deep frying or baking. These methods provide better control over the cooking process and allow for a more consistent result with thick batters or dough.

Foods with Excessive Oil

While an air fryer is often praised for its ability to cook with minimal oil, it’s important to be mindful of using foods with excessive oil in this appliance. Excess oil can leak from the food and onto the air fryer basket, causing smoke and potential malfunctions. Furthermore, cooking foods with excessive oil in an air fryer may result in a greasy finished product, rather than the desired crispy texture. It’s best to remove excess oil from foods or opt for alternative cooking methods that can more effectively handle the excess oil, such as baking, grilling, or sautéing.

In conclusion, while air fryers are a versatile and convenient kitchen appliance, there are certain types of foods that are better suited for other cooking methods. Whether it’s due to the unique properties of the ingredients or the limitations of the air fryer itself, knowing what foods to avoid can help you achieve the best results in your culinary endeavors. So, keep this handy reference guide in mind, and you’ll be on your way to creating delicious meals with your air fryer while avoiding any potential pitfalls. Happy cooking!