Is Air Frying As Healthy As Steaming?


When it comes to cooking methods, there are numerous options available, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Among these options, air frying and steaming have gained popularity for being healthier alternatives to traditional methods like deep-frying. But when it comes to health benefits, how do these two cooking methods compare? In this article, we will explore whether air frying is as healthy as steaming and help you make an informed decision next time you’re in the kitchen.

What is Air Frying?

Before we compare the health benefits of air frying and steaming, let’s first understand what air frying is. Air frying is a cooking method that uses hot air circulation to cook food quickly and evenly. It involves using a small amount of oil to coat the food, which then gets cooked by the hot air produced by the air fryer. This results in crispy and golden-brown food without the need for excessive oil.

So, if you’re looking to enjoy your favorite fried foods with less guilt, air frying might be the perfect solution. It allows you to indulge in your favorite treats while reducing the amount of unhealthy fats and calories typically associated with deep frying.

The Health Benefits of Air Frying

When it comes to health benefits, air frying offers several advantages compared to traditional frying methods. Here are some key reasons why air frying is considered a healthier option:

Reduced Oil Consumption

One of the main benefits of air frying is that it requires significantly less oil than traditional frying methods. While deep frying submerges the food in a large amount of oil, air frying only uses a small amount of oil to coat the surface of the food. This results in the same crispy texture without the excessive oiliness, significantly reducing the fat and calorie content of the final dish.

Is Air Frying As Healthy As Steaming?

Limited Formation of Harmful Compounds

Deep frying at high temperatures can lead to the formation of harmful compounds such as acrylamide, which has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. On the other hand, air frying uses hot air to cook the food, minimizing the risk of harmful compounds forming during the cooking process. This makes air frying a safer option for those concerned about their health and well-being.

Healthier Heart

By cutting back on the amount of oil used in cooking, air frying can help reduce the intake of unhealthy fats, which are known to increase the risk of heart disease. Consuming too much unhealthy fat can lead to clogged arteries and other cardiovascular issues. Air frying allows you to enjoy your favorite fried foods without compromising your heart health, making it a heart-friendly cooking option.

What is Steaming?

Now that we’ve covered the health benefits of air frying, let’s talk about steaming. Steaming is a cooking method that involves using steam to cook food. It is a gentle and moist cooking process that helps retain the natural flavors, nutrients, and colors of the food. Steaming is often used to cook vegetables, fish, and grains, as it helps preserve their texture and nutritional value.

The Health Benefits of Steaming

Steaming is widely considered one of the healthiest cooking methods due to its preservation of nutrients and low-calorie content. Here are some reasons why steaming is a popular choice among health-conscious individuals:

Is Air Frying As Healthy As Steaming?

Retained Nutrients

Steaming preserves the natural vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in food. Since steaming uses gentle heat and moisture to cook the food, it helps retain these essential nutrients that are often lost in other cooking methods that involve high temperatures and prolonged cooking times. By steaming your food, you can ensure that you are getting the maximum nutritional benefits from your meals.

Low in Calories

Steaming is a low-calorie cooking method that does not require the use of oil or fat. This makes it an excellent choice for individuals looking to reduce their calorie intake or maintain a healthy weight. By steaming your food instead of frying or sautéing it, you can enjoy flavorful meals without the added calories from excess fats.

Easy Digestion

Since steaming does not involve the use of oil or heavy sauces, it is easier on the digestive system compared to other cooking methods. Steamed foods are gentle on the stomach and are less likely to cause digestive discomfort or bloating. If you have a sensitive stomach or digestive issues, steaming can be a great way to enjoy delicious and nutritious meals without any digestive distress.

Health Comparison: Air Frying vs. Steaming

Now that we’ve discussed the health benefits of both air frying and steaming, let’s compare the two cooking methods to determine which one is healthier overall. While both air frying and steaming offer various advantages, they also have their own unique qualities that set them apart. Let’s break down the comparison into different categories to help you make an informed decision:

Nutrient Retention

When it comes to preserving nutrients, both air frying and steaming excel at retaining the natural vitamins and minerals present in food. However, steaming is often considered superior in this regard, as it uses gentle heat and moisture to cook the food, minimizing the loss of nutrients during the cooking process. In contrast, air frying, despite its ability to cook food quickly and evenly, may cause some loss of water-soluble vitamins due to the high temperatures involved.

Calorie Content

In terms of calorie content, steaming is the clear winner, as it does not require the use of oil or fat to cook food. Steamed foods are naturally low in calories, making them an excellent choice for weight management and overall health. On the other hand, air frying, while using significantly less oil than traditional frying methods, still adds some extra calories from the oil used to coat the food. If you’re looking to reduce your calorie intake, steaming might be the better option.

Fat Content

When it comes to fat content, air frying offers a significant advantage over traditional frying methods by using less oil to cook food. This helps reduce the overall fat content of the final dish, making it a healthier alternative to deep frying. While steaming does not add any extra fat to the food, it may not provide the same level of flavor and texture that can be achieved through air frying. If you’re looking for a healthier way to enjoy fried foods, air frying might be the way to go.

Overall Health Impact

Both air frying and steaming have their own health benefits and drawbacks, making them suitable for different dietary preferences and health goals. If you’re focused on reducing your calorie intake and maintaining a healthy weight, steaming might be the better choice due to its low-calorie content and gentle cooking process. On the other hand, if you’re looking to enjoy your favorite fried foods with less guilt, air frying can help satisfy your cravings while still offering some health benefits compared to deep frying.


In conclusion, both air frying and steaming offer health benefits that make them valuable additions to a balanced diet. While steaming is ideal for preserving nutrients and reducing calorie intake, air frying provides a healthier alternative to deep frying without compromising on flavor and texture. Ultimately, the choice between air frying and steaming comes down to personal preference and dietary goals. By incorporating both cooking methods into your meal planning, you can enjoy a variety of delicious and nutritious dishes that support your overall health and well-being. Next time you’re in the kitchen, consider air frying or steaming as healthier and delicious options for preparing your meals.