Does Meat Cook Well In An Air Fryer?

You’ve probably heard about the wonders of an air fryer when it comes to cooking crispy fries and crunchy snacks without all the added oil. But what about cooking meat? Can an air fryer really give you that juicy steak or tender chicken you crave? Let’s dive into the world of air fryer cooking and find out if meat can indeed cook well in an air fryer.

Does Meat Cook Well In An Air Fryer?

Choosing the Right Cut of Meat

When it comes to cooking meat in an air fryer, the type of meat and the cut you choose can make a big difference in the outcome. Some cuts are more suitable for air frying than others, so it’s essential to select the right cut for the best results.

Best Cuts of Meat for Air Frying

Choosing lean cuts of meat is crucial when cooking in an air fryer. Lean cuts such as chicken breasts, turkey breasts, pork tenderloin, and sirloin steak work well in an air fryer because they cook quickly and evenly. These cuts have less fat, which means they are less likely to produce excess smoke or grease in the air fryer.

Cuts to Avoid

Fattier cuts of meat, such as ribeye steaks, pork belly, or chicken thighs with skin, may not cook as well in an air fryer. The excess fat in these cuts can drip down into the air fryer basket, causing smoke or creating a mess. It’s best to trim excess fat from these cuts or opt for leaner alternatives.

Preparing Meat for Air Frying

Proper preparation of the meat is essential to ensure that it cooks well in an air fryer. Seasoning your meat and marinating it beforehand can enhance its flavor and tenderness. Additionally, preheating the air fryer will help achieve a crispy and even cook on the outside while keeping the inside juicy.

Seasoning and Marinating

Seasoning your meat with salt, pepper, herbs, and spices before air frying can add depth and flavor to your dish. Marinating your meat in a mixture of oil, acid (such as vinegar or citrus juice), and seasonings can help tenderize the meat and infuse it with flavor.

Preheating the Air Fryer

Preheating the air fryer before adding the meat is crucial for achieving that crispy exterior. Preheating allows the air fryer to reach the desired cooking temperature quickly, ensuring an even cook on your meat. Simply set the air fryer to the desired temperature and let it preheat for a few minutes before adding your seasoned meat.

Cooking Meat in an Air Fryer

Now that you’ve selected the right cut of meat and prepared it properly, it’s time to cook it in the air fryer. Cooking times and temperatures may vary depending on the type of meat and the thickness of the cut, so it’s essential to follow guidelines and adjust as needed.

Cooking Times and Temperatures

Different types of meat require different cooking times and temperatures in an air fryer. Here are some general guidelines to follow:

Air Fryer Meat Temperature and Time Guide:

  • Chicken breasts: Cook at 360°F for 20-25 minutes, flipping halfway through.
  • Pork tenderloin: Cook at 400°F for 20-25 minutes, flipping halfway through.
  • Sirloin steak: Cook at 400°F for 10-15 minutes for medium-rare, turning halfway through.
  • Turkey breasts: Cook at 350°F for 25-30 minutes, flipping halfway through.

Checking for Doneness

To ensure that your meat is cooked thoroughly, it’s important to use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Here are the recommended internal temperatures for different types of meat:

  • Chicken: 165°F
  • Pork: 145°F
  • Beef: 145°F for medium-rare, 160°F for medium, 170°F for well-done
  • Turkey: 165°F

Tips for Cooking Meat in an Air Fryer

Cooking meat in an air fryer can be a game-changer when it comes to convenience and flavor. Here are some tips to help you achieve the best results when cooking meat in an air fryer.

Use a Meat Thermometer

Investing in a good quality meat thermometer is essential for ensuring that your meat is cooked to the desired level of doneness. This can prevent undercooked or overcooked meat, leading to a perfect result every time.

Shake the Basket

Shaking the air fryer basket halfway through the cooking process can help achieve an even cook on all sides of the meat. This ensures that the meat cooks evenly and gets that crispy exterior you desire.

Let Meat Rest

Allowing your cooked meat to rest for a few minutes before slicing into it can help retain its juices and ensure a tender and flavorful outcome. Resting the meat allows the juices to redistribute throughout, resulting in a more succulent dish.

Does Meat Cook Well In An Air Fryer?


In conclusion, cooking meat in an air fryer can produce delicious and flavorful results when done correctly. By choosing the right cut of meat, properly preparing it, and following cooking guidelines, you can enjoy juicy and tender meat dishes without the excess oil. With the convenience and versatility of an air fryer, you can elevate your cooking game and enjoy healthier versions of your favorite meat dishes. So, next time you’re craving a juicy steak or tender chicken, consider using your air fryer for a quick and tasty meal.