What Materials Are Safe In An Air Fryer?

What Materials Are Safe In An Air Fryer?

Introduction to Air Fryers

Air fryers have become increasingly popular in kitchens around the world due to their ability to fry, bake, grill, and roast using little to no oil. They are a great way to enjoy all your favorite fried foods without the guilt of consuming excessive amounts of oil. However, when it comes to using an air fryer, it’s essential to know what materials are safe to use to avoid damaging the appliance or compromising your health.

Materials Safe to Use in an Air Fryer

When it comes to choosing materials to use in your air fryer, it’s crucial to select items that are safe for high temperatures and won’t release harmful chemicals when heated. Here is a list of materials that are safe to use in an air fryer:

Safe Materials Unsafe Materials
Silicone Plastic
Glass Paper
Ceramic Styrofoam
Stainless Steel Aluminum Foil

Silicone, glass, ceramic, and stainless steel are all safe materials to use in an air fryer as they can withstand high heat without releasing harmful chemicals. However, plastic, paper, Styrofoam, and aluminum foil should be avoided as they can melt, emit toxic fumes, or catch fire when exposed to the high temperatures of an air fryer.


Silicone is a safe material to use in an air fryer because it can withstand temperatures up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit without releasing harmful chemicals. Silicone bakeware, mats, and utensils are all safe to use in an air fryer and can help prevent sticking when cooking.


Glass containers and dishes are safe to use in an air fryer as long as they are oven-safe. Make sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that the glass can withstand high temperatures. Glass is a great option for cooking in an air fryer as it won’t release any harmful chemicals when heated.

What Materials Are Safe In An Air Fryer?


Ceramic dishes and bakeware are another safe option for using in an air fryer. Just like glass, make sure that the ceramic is oven-safe and can withstand high temperatures. Ceramic can distribute heat evenly, making it an excellent choice for air frying.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is a safe material to use in an air fryer as it is durable and can withstand high heat without leaching harmful chemicals. Stainless steel pans, racks, and utensils are all great options for cooking in an air fryer and can help achieve crispy results.

Unsafe Materials in an Air Fryer

It is essential to avoid using certain materials in an air fryer to prevent damage to the appliance and potential health risks. Here is a list of materials that should not be used in an air fryer:

Unsafe Materials Reasons
Plastic Melts at high temperatures, releasing toxins
Paper Can catch fire when exposed to high heat
Styrofoam Emits toxic fumes when heated
Aluminum Foil Can cause sparking and damage the air fryer

Plastic should never be used in an air fryer as it can melt at high temperatures, releasing harmful toxins into your food. Paper can catch fire when exposed to the high heat of an air fryer, posing a safety hazard. Styrofoam should be avoided as it emits toxic fumes when heated, which can be harmful to your health. Aluminum foil can cause sparking and damage the heating element of an air fryer, so it’s best to steer clear of using it.

Tips for Using Safe Materials in an Air Fryer

To ensure you are using safe materials in your air fryer, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Check the Manufacturer’s Instructions: Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions that came with your air fryer to see which materials are safe to use.

  2. Avoid Nonstick Coatings: Avoid using cookware with nonstick coatings in an air fryer as they can release harmful chemicals when heated.

  3. Use Oven-Safe Materials: Stick to using materials that are labeled as oven-safe to avoid any damage or safety hazards.

  4. Monitor Cooking Time: Keep an eye on your food while it’s cooking in the air fryer to prevent any potential hazards.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you are using safe materials in your air fryer and enjoy delicious, crispy foods without any worries.


In conclusion, choosing the right materials to use in your air fryer is essential for both food safety and appliance longevity. Silicone, glass, ceramic, and stainless steel are all safe options for cooking in an air fryer, while plastic, paper, Styrofoam, and aluminum foil should be avoided. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can use your air fryer safely and enjoy all the benefits of healthy frying. Remember to always prioritize safety when using your air fryer to avoid any potential risks. Stay safe and enjoy your air fryer cooking!